Just stuff I've made with the help of my computer...some of it has my characters in it, some not...

Here's a drawing I did of Dinamo using PhotoShop..
PhotoShop Dinamo

My attempts to 3-Dify Dinamo...Lol...Hey, I'm workin' on it...
3D Dinamo
3d Dinamo

A composition photo project we had to do at school...We had to piece together different photos to convey a message...I'm not really sure what message I was going for...everybody said they thought it meant something different when they saw it...you decide...

My Photo Project

This is a picture of my Neopet, that I did in the program FreeHand 8.0...the quality looks really bad, because i had to put it in a cheap format so i could post it here...Oh well, I'll live...lol.

I love Photoshop...You can do pretty much anything you want with it...such as...

The Blue Tigress

Here's another project we had to do for school...do a landscape to portray some sort of emotion...I chose fear...what do you think?, did i pull it off?

Whenever I have time, I'm going to color the below picture, and place it into the top, "Fear" picture...I think it'll make a nice scene

heh, told ya I'd do it :oP
oooh scarry

Here's a pic I did of Dinamo, in Photoshop. The special thing about this picture is, is that it's the first drawing I did, using a Wacom Tablet, instead of the Mouse


<BGSOUND SRC="love2see.mid">